What are your programs?

We have partnered with FACE it…, llc to help you create a plan so that you can achieve your goals. Our programs include FACE it… Anxiety and FACE it… Depression and the FEEL GOOD WORK SHOP. We will help you create a plan and give you the accountability you need to help you achieve your goals and turn your stress, anxiety, depression into you becoming the version of yourself that you want to be – YOUR REAL SELF.

The FEEL GOOD programs are for individuals who want to take the steps to FEEL GOOD as well as for those who experience anxiety, depression, and stress. You will get the support you need to get the results you want. You just have to show up and do the work. Your customized program includes mentorship (ALLY), counseling and assignments that can help you get on your path to FEEL GOOD and so much more.

Our programs have a customized plan, which can include an individualized treatment plan, your personal personality test, individualized counseling, and so much more. We combine evidence based therapeutic strategies with a solution focused counseling and coaching model so that you can start feeling better right away.

At Therapize Me we go the extra mile to give you the support that you need so that you can FACE whatever you are struggling with until you MAKE it… and we will do it together.

“I had panic attacks nearly everyday before joining the anxiety program. It's been two years since I completed the program and I no longer have the attacks. Now, when I experience anxiety I have the tools to stop it from taking over my life”

Amy A.

What does this program include?


This is not a downloadable program that sends you off to work on yourself. We get to know you personally and will give you the support you need.

A treatment Plan that fits you personally.

Sessions with your very own masters level Therapist or Coach, who is your  ALLY. 


Workshops to FEEL GOOD, FACE it…Anxiety &  Depression

Videos, Audios, Workbooks

Printables and Downloadables 


Participate in the conversation in our private forum

Post questions for support from our community.


Take the process communication model questionnaire, the world’s premier tool for human behavior.

Learn your unique personality type and what your stressors are.

Learn what happens to you when you are in distress and what to do to get your psychological needs met so that you can get out of distress.

Who Teaches the Programs?


The programs are co-created and led by Dr. Eris Huemer Winans, PsyD MFT, founder and CEO of Therapize Me. She holds a doctorate in Psychology and guides people all over America and around the world towards making positive and lasting life changes. She is the star of Bravo TV’s LA Shrinks and author of Break-Up Emergency: A Guide to Transform Your Break UP into a Break THROUGH. Through her books, media appearances, seminars, retreats, and counseling center, Dr. Eris shares her special brand of wit and insight, holding up a mirror for each of us to FACE our world so that we can have THAT FEEL GOOD LIFE.

Dr. Eris believes that in order for people to transform their lives faster and to have true lasting change, more of an intensive approach to healing is the prescription that people need. This is why she was inspired to create the FACE It… programs. She and her team of Therapize Me counselors bring their expertise to give their clients the help they need to turn that frown upside down and FEEL GOOD.